2023–2024 Youth Survey Interactive Data Explorer
Generate custom graphs and data tables on the questions you find most interesting!
Check Out the HighlightsOr build your own graphs at:
Explore the Data,
Trends Over Time, and Three to Succeed.

Learn More About the Survey and Data Explorer

Data Explorer Features
Survey Highlights shows selected results from various topics.
Explore the Data lets you create a graph from any question in the survey.
Trends Over Time shows how survey responses vary by year.
Three to Succeed displays how survey responses vary with a student's number of protective assets.

New Survey Items
Questions on disabilities were added to this year's survey and the results are now available in the Highlights and Explore the Data sections.
Select the Disability category to see all of the new questions.

6th Grade Survey
The Fairfax County Youth Survey is administered in two forms: one for 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and a modified, shorter version of the survey for 6th grade students.
You can access the 6th grade data set by selecting '6th grade' at the top of Survey Highlights, Explore the Data, Trends over Time, or Three to Succeed.
About the Survey
The Fairfax County, VA Youth Survey is a comprehensive, voluntary, and anonymous survey of youth in sixth, eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. It examines behaviors, experiences, and other factors that influence the health and well-being of the county's youth. The survey is co-sponsored by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and the Fairfax County School Board, and has been administered since 2001.
For more information, please see the Youth Survey homepage.